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Facilitator Sign Up Info & Agreement


This online presentation proposal with all information will be accepted and considered as a speaker for ATDCFL. Please do not submit requests to speak via email as they will not be considered.

Please review your submission for accuracy and completeness. If selected as a speaker, you will be contacted by our Programs Committee via email or phone with additional details related to speaking at a chapter learning event.

If selected, the information you furnish may be edited, if necessary, due to space limitations for any publications, website, or social media marketing or advertising. More than one presentation may be submitted for consideration; however, one proposal per presentation must be completed.

ATDCFL uses learning events as a platform for innovation in the field of Talent Development. We look for speakers who are willing to share their expertise without expectation of payment in the spirit of networking, a purpose for which ATDCFL was founded over 35 years ago. We believe that the size and decision making authority of our audience provides an excellent opportunity for speakers to increase their visibility and establish valuable contacts.

ATDCFL strives to offer a balanced program by selecting proposals that best fit within the framework of the association. The programs selected will be based on the ATD Competency Model.

Alternative views are welcomed, particularly when lessons learned from first-hand experience are offered as models/examples.

Handouts to those attending your session are not required, however a large majority of our speakers provide them and attendees greatly appreciate them. If you are selected to present, we will provide you with information on where to email and/or ship your handouts prior to the meeting if you wish to do so. We are also able to provide an electronic copy of the presentation to those that attended the presentation.

Presenters are expected to:
• Meet all deadlines
• Retain session content and audio visual needs as originally submitted
• Not add a co-presenter or change the identity of presenters without approval from ATDCFL
• Honor ATDCFL’s commitment to provide education by not showcasing or promoting the speaker’s practice, services, or products
• Deliver an original product
• Respect ATDCFL as the sponsoring organization with either positive or neutral comments from the platform

In return, ATDCFL will provide:
• A complimentary dinner for you at live events
• Guests and videotaping must be approved by the VP of Programs
• Marketing your presentation on our website and social media platforms

By submitting this proposal, I understand that:
• My fees (if any) will be reviewed for consideration.
• If selected, I agree to adhere to the deadline schedule furnished by VP of Programs.
• I understand that my presentation is not a showcase for promotion of my business, practice or product, and I will not "sell" my products or services from the ATDCFL speaker platform.
• I will not change the subject or title of my accepted presentation without the approval from the VP of Programs.
• All presenters will be required to submit copies of their audio visual presentations to ATDCFL prior to the event.
• Additional information concerning deadlines and format will be provided upon acceptance as a speaker.
• I agree to follow the regulations set forth in this agreement.

Constantly striving to INFORM, INVOLVE, & INSPIRE      

Workplace Learning and Performance professionals around the world.

Copyright 2021, Central Florida Chapter - ATD. All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 863, Mascotte, Florida 34753

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