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Power member

What is Power Membership?

ATD national membership connects you to a global network of like-minded peers and provides you with a wealth of resources to help you identify solutions to the talent development challenges you are facing. Chapter membership provides you with local resources and a community that understands your work from a regionally specific perspective. When you are an ATD national and chapter member, you become a Power Member.

Why Join?

ATD national membership offers talent development professionals like you a unique opportunity to tap into a community of local, national, and international members. They learn about trends in the field (locally and globally); access ATD national’s practical, ready-to-use tools, templates, and checklists; and stay on top of cutting-edge research. As a Power Member, you will have access to the most essential resources that you can put into practice locally through chapter membership, which will allow you to have a considerable impact on your organization, your community, and your professional development. Not only will you receive ATD's national benefits outlined below, but you'll enjoy all the benefits of your local ATD chapter and build on your knowledge as you grow your network.

How to join?

Our chapter offers its membership on the ATD Store. To join ATD national and become a Power Member, visit to purchase your chapter and ATD membership with one payment, receive a $30 discount on your national membership, align your membership end-dates, and send a portion of your dues back to the local chapter to support our programming and activities.

Choose Your ATD Membership

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ATD Central FL Chapter

Chapter ChIP Code: CH9133

ATD Central Florida chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software