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Speaker Information

ATDCFL Programs

Thank you for your interest in speaking at the Central Florida chapter (ATDCFL) for the Association for Talent Development (ATD). Here we reinforce the ATD Capability Model by providing learning events, conferences, and thought leadership to support the local talent pool of professionals. There are a handful of ways you can share your expertise with our members. 

What to know before you start

  1. Sessions are limited to two presenters.
  2. Session durations vary. See the Monthly Events section to choose the right type of event for your topic.
  3. Commercially focused presentations promoting a company, product, or service are considered for the Vendor Showcase.
  4. You may submit multiple proposals.

How we select speakers

  1. Content relevance to annual theme.
  2. Application to the ATD Capability Model.
  3. Tangible learning objectives.
  4. Speaker expertise and experience.

Things you are asked to submit

  1. Contact information
  2. List of speaking engagements on the topic in the last 6 months
  3. Speaker bio (no more than 500 characters including spaces).
  4. Proposed session title (no more than 90 characters including spaces).
  5. Session description (no more than 1,500 characters including spaces).
  6. 3-4 learning objectives.
  7. KSAs addressed in each of the Domains of Practice in the ATD Capability model.
  8. Intended audience and how you plan to engage them in a virtual environment.

If you have questions about the speaker proposal process, please email

Digital encounters on Zoom

Submission window: Rolling

Event Duration: 1-2 hours

  • Our Digital Encounters on Zoom are the primary offering for our members. Each month we host 1-2 online events designed to address the ATD Capability model in a way that drives the Talent Development profession forward.
  • Sessions are held in Zoom during the week, mid-morning to early afternoon, Eastern Standard Time US. The Zoom platform is managed by the chapter with you having control over your screen sharing and audio. The event producer will field questions for you if you don't want to manage this aspect of the webinar. The first 15 minutes of the session are dedicated to chapter happenings. Then the producer will turn it over to you. The final 10 minutes are left for member questions and event reminders.

ATD Central FL Chapter

Chapter ChIP Code: CH9133

ATD Central Florida chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

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