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July Community Service Project-Habitat for Humanity

  • July 30, 2011
  • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Staghorn Villas- directions will be sent via email prior to Saturday
  • 18


Registration is closed

July Community Service Project- Habitat for Humanity, July 30th, 8am-2pm, Downtown Orlando


Registration is limited to 20 people.  You may bring friends and family.  CFC-ASTD Volunteer T- shirts will be provided, sizes limited.

.A message from our coordinator from Habitat for Humanity:

We cannot have anyone on the jobsite that is under 16 years of age. Please ensure that everyone wears closed toe shoes (athletic shoes or boots are best, no ballet slippers, heels, clogs, sandals, etc...) and comfortable clothes that they don’t mind getting dirty. We hold a check in from 8:00-8:30 am and work from 8:30 am until 2:00 pm, please advise your group to arrive at the site no later than 8:30 am which is when we go over the safety and job task information. We do have water and Gatorade on site for you. Lunch will be provided by CFC-ASTD.

I am attaching information which should answer most of your questions about our "build days".  There are two waiver forms attached one is our “minor” waiver for volunteers age 16 and 17 and also an adult waiver for volunteers age 18 and up.  The attached waiver forms can be printed and will need to be fully completed by each member of your group. The waiver can be turned in when your group volunteers or faxed to me in advance. Waivers are also available at the job site.

We ask that if possible volunteers bring safety glasses and if you would like gloves. Everyone is required to wear safety glasses on site and ours are well worn, so if everyone brings their own it is a big help.

adult waiver.docminor- habitat release form.docjob site volunteer information.docwe have started a “change challenge” where we are asking volunteers to donate their spare change to habitat. the goal is to collect enough money to sponsor a home! instead of letting those extra coins or few dollars stay in your car cup holder or in-between the couch cushions, bring them to the Habitat worksite where it can do the most good helping to fund a home for a family in need. During check-in, we will have the Change Challenge donation can out and there will be a moment during circle time that we will ask if anyone would like to donate. Let your group know that we would love to have them round up their change and bring it to the site every penny helps!

ATD Central FL Chapter

Chapter ChIP Code: CH9133

ATD Central Florida chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

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