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Selling to the Seller with Roger Grannis

  • June 03, 2020
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom Digital Encounter


  • Another awesome reason to be an ATDCFL member.

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Cover design by Lisa Anne Zoldi


The greatest innovations and new products will fail if your sales force doesn’t understand them, embrace them, and sell them. 

In this session, you will learn the results of a comprehensive study conducted with the University of Northern Colorado that asked questions such as:

  • How do B-to-B salespeople prefer to learn?
  • How should content be structured and delivered?
  • What are the best ways to engage salespeople and motivate them to learn?
  • What training methods yield the best results?
  • What are practical ways to make training “sales friendly?”

Specifically, the study identifies the most effective training design and delivery methods for instructional designers, product leaders, subject matter experts, and others responsible for training salespeople about new—and existing—offerings. Ultimately, by improving the product training process, salespeople will sell new offerings faster and more efficiently, and the risk of failed product launches will be greatly reduced.

Roger Grannis

Roger Grannis has driven sales growth at some of the biggest names in business: GE, Underwriters Laboratories, Synchrony, Thomson Reuters, Wells Fargo, Pepsi, Foot Locker.

Prior to forming GrannisGroup, in 2004, Roger spent 17 years at Gartner, where he contributed to growing revenues from $22 million to $850 million by building Gartner Sales University.

Roger holds a BA in speech and psychology from Willamette University and did post-graduate work in theatre and creative writing at San Francisco State University. He is an active member of the National Speakers Association. Roger and his son have backpacked 1,000 miles together.

ATD Central FL Chapter 

P.O. Box 863

Mascotte, Florida 34753

Chapter ChIP Code: CH9133

ATD Central Florida chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

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